Alright, now listen up, young folk, this here story’s about curing a poor paralyzed tiefling in that Baldur’s Gate 3 game. I might not know much about fancy magic and all, but I reckon I can tell you how to help that poor Pandirna, bless her soul, get back on her feet.

Now, first things first, you got this tiefling gal, Pandirna. She’s paralyzed, stiff as a board! And lemme tell ya, without a little help, she’s gonna stay that way. But lucky for us, there’s ways to cure her up right nice if you got the right tools and spells.
Get Yourself Some Lesser Restoration Magic
Now, this “Lesser Restoration” spell—fancy name for somethin’ that just unsticks her, really—well, it’s mighty useful. You’re gonna need one of those Clerics, Bards, or Druids around level 3 to be able to cast it. It’s like askin’ the good Lord above to lend a hand when folks fall ill, ya know? That’s all. Or if you’re dealin’ with a Paladin, that fella’s gotta be level 5, which I hear is a bit more work.
So, here’s how it goes. You get your Cleric, or better yet, bring along this gal named Shadowheart. She’s already got a handle on that spell once she hits level two. Just switch to her in the party if your own character can’t do it. Have her cast this Lesser Restoration on ol’ Pandirna, and like magic—well, it is magic—she’ll be free from that paralyzed state.
Using the Party to Cure Pandirna
If you’re thinkin’ of headin’ in alone, reckon you’ll struggle a bit. No spell, no cure. So, switch up your party members if you have to, don’t be shy about it. Shadowheart’s real handy here ‘cause she can toss out that spell as soon as she’s able to cast level two spells. It’s like she was made for savin’ folk, really.
Now, if you ain’t got a Cleric or Shadowheart with you, just take a pause and think of recruitin’ a Druid or Bard who can learn that same spell. Trust me, they’re good for more than just singin’ or turnin’ into critters. Get that Lesser Restoration learned up, and then give Pandirna that cure!

Breaking Pandirna’s Paralysis Without the Magic
Now, here’s somethin’ only the darker-minded might think up. I ain’t one to judge, but if you’re playin’ that Dark Urge character, you got an odd choice. Instead of usin’ the good magic, you could break her legs to free her. I don’t get the sense it’s as friendly, but hey, it’s an option the game gives. Bit harsh if you ask me, but that’s the world we’re in, I guess.
So, just remember, whether it’s kindness or coldness you choose, you got ways to end that paralysis. But my advice? Go for the magic. Poor thing’s paralyzed, no need to make it worse by addin’ a broken leg or two.
Why Cure Pandirna? The Sweet Rewards
Well now, once you’ve helped her out, she’ll be mighty grateful. Not only does she thank ya, but she’s also willin’ to look the other way if you got sticky fingers for takin’ her supplies. Now, I’m not sayin’ ya should, but if you’re the kind to take advantage, she won’t stop ya after that cure.
Healin’ her means she’s gonna turn a blind eye if you swipe somethin’ nearby. Handy, if you got your eye on her stash, but that’s between you and your conscience.
Other Mystical Things You Might Find
Now, if you’re like me, wanderin’ around the game world, you might find other items along the way. For example, there’s this Amulet of Silvanus you could get if you got the strength to move a rock blockin’ the path. I mean, just get up there and drag it aside, then there you go—amulet’s yours! You could use it to help in your journey or just keep it as a souvenir, ya know?

Point is, look around while you’re out there; never know what goodies you’ll find. Amulets, potions, what-have-ya—makes all the difference when you’re facin’ tougher fights later on. And keep an eye on those big ol’ rocks—sometimes the best treasure’s hidin’ right under ‘em.
Wrapping It All Up
So, to fix up Pandirna, you got your options. Stick with the Lesser Restoration spell if you’re the kind soul, or if you’re on that Dark Urge path, well… that’s a different story. Just remember, helpin’ folk tends to come back around, even in these fantasy worlds.
And don’t forget, this game’s full of surprises, from hidden spells to locked-away treasures. Always good to explore a little extra! Now get back out there, cure that tiefling, and enjoy the adventure.
Tags:[Baldur’s Gate 3, Pandirna, tiefling, paralysis, Lesser Restoration spell, Shadowheart, Dark Urge, Amulet of Silvanus, RPG gaming tips]