Okay, so I saw this thing online about “chris kanyon partner” and got curious. I mean, who was this guy and who was he with? I didn’t know anything about him, so I decided to do some digging.

First, I just typed “Chris Kanyon” into Google. You know, the basic, starting point. The results showed he was a wrestler. Okay, cool, I like wrestling, so I’m already a little more invested.
Then I started looking for anything that said “partner”. At first, it was all about wrestling tag teams. You know. guys he teamed up with in the ring. That wasn’t what I was looking for.
Digging Deeper
I refined the search, adding words, removing words. I started seeing articles and some forum posts, that where a little vauge. I got the impression he might have been gay or bisexual, but it was all kind of hush-hush, or just speculation.
I started searching for interviews with the dude, so I could review the context. Because some forums are full of BS and you cannot trust them.
So yeah, that’s basically how I went about it. It wasn’t like one magic search that gave me the answer. I Just kept poking around, reading different things, and piecing it together myself. No big secret, just plain old online research!