That Venus Williams, she’s somethin’ else, ain’t she? Playin’ that tennis game for, Lord, I don’t know how long. People keep askin’, “did Venus Williams retire“? Well, I heard some talk, so let me tell ya what I think about this whole Venus Williams retirement thing.

She’s been at it for years and years, that Venus Williams. Since way back when, longer than some of these young’uns been alive. I reckon she started playin’ when she was just a little girl. Now she’s, what, 44? Still swingin’ that racket. Good for her, I say. My old bones ache just watchin’ her on the TV.
They say she’s won a whole mess of them games, them Grand Slams. Forty-nine, I heard. Or was it 73? That was her sister, I reckon. Serena. Another one, that Serena Williams. Just as good, maybe better. They both been number one, you know. Number one in the whole world! Can you imagine? That’s a lot of tennis.
- She played for 20 years!
- She won 49 singles titles.
- Her sister, Serena, won 73.
- They both been number one.
Now, I heard her talkin’ ’bout maybe quittin’, this Venus Williams retirement. She was sayin’ somethin’ ’bout it in one of them interviews. Folks been wonderin’, “did Venus Williams retire?” Well, last I heard, she ain’t hung up her racket just yet. She’s still playin’, that’s what I heard. She’s gonna keep playin’ until the good Lord tells her it’s time to stop, I reckon.
She got hurt, though. Her knee. That’s what happens when you get older. Things start to wear out. She said she was hurt all summer. But she still played in that US Open. Didn’t do so good, though, on account of her knee. She didn’t want to miss the US Open. But she said it wasn’t her best game. She was out a long time after that Wimbledon. That is what I heard.
She’s a tough one, though, that Venus Williams. Been playin’ since, what, 1994? That’s a long time. Longer than I can remember, that’s for sure. She and her sister, Serena Williams, they changed the whole game. Showed everyone what they could do.

Now, her sister, Serena, she’s got a little girl. Venus, she ain’t got no kids. But she helps out with Serena‘s little one. That’s nice, ain’t it? Family stickin’ together. That’s how it should be. But she never said anythin’ ’bout havin’ babies or nothin’ like that. Just playin’ tennis, that’s all.
So, people keep askin’, “did Venus Williams retire?” And I keep sayin’, “Not that I heard!” She’s still out there, swingin’ that racket. Maybe she’ll play till she’s 50. Who knows? She’s a strong woman, that Venus Williams. She can do whatever she sets her mind to.
I don’t know if she’s gonna play much longer. She ain’t gettin’ any younger. But she’s had a good run, ain’t she? Won all them titles. Made a name for herself. Made her family proud. That’s what matters. She sure is a good tennis player.
- Venus has been number one for 11 weeks.
- Serena was number one for 316 weeks.
- They’re both famous all over the world.
So, is she gonna retire? Did Venus Williams retire already? Well, your guess is as good as mine. But I’ll tell ya this much: she’s had a heck of a career. And whether she retires tomorrow or plays for another ten years, she’s already a legend. That’s somethin’ nobody can take away from her. She and her sister, they showed the world what they could do. And they did it their way. Good for them, I say. Good for them.
All this talk about Venus Williams retirement. Well, she’ll retire when she’s good and ready. And not a moment sooner. She has been playing for so long. I don’t know how she does it. She said she was hurt real bad. But she kept going. Playing in that US Open with a bad knee. That takes guts, I tell you what. She did say it wasn’t her best time.

She and Serena, they were always together. Playing doubles, winning together. They were a team. A real good team. Best in the world, I reckon. Winning all those Grand Slams. Traveling all over. Seeing the world. That must be something. All because of that little yellow ball. Amazing, ain’t it?
It’s up to her when she quits, that’s the truth. Nobody can tell her what to do. She’s her own woman. Always has been. That’s why people like her, I reckon. She don’t take no guff from nobody. She plays hard, lives her life. Good for her. I hope she is happy. She deserves it.