So I was curious about how tall Djokovic is. You know, the tennis guy? I started by just hitting up Google, like I always do.

After I typed in “Djokovic height” into the search bar and hit enter, a bunch of pages popped up. It took a little bit to find what i want.
And I started to browse some pages. Some pages were too long to read, so I closed it. Some pages did not show what I am looking for, then I also closed them.
Finally, I found a page. After carefully read the content, I found the answer!
My Finding
I finally got the answer!
- He’s 6’2”! That’s what I found.
Not too much to share, anyway I got what I want.

Just sharing my little adventure of finding out about Djokovic’s height. It’s kind of fun to just search for random stuff sometimes, right?