Okay, so the other day, I was scrolling through some sports news, and this question popped into my head: “How many kids does Tyreek Hill have?” I mean, you hear all sorts of stuff about athletes’ personal lives, so I figured, why not dig in a bit?

First, I started with a simple search. I just typed in “Tyreek Hill kids” and waited to see what would pop * know, the usual first step.
The Search Begins
I found a bunch of articles and * were just gossip * looked like they were trying to be legit news sources, but you can never be sure.
Digging Deeper
So, I started clicking on these links and reading. I’m going to be straight-up honest, it was a total rabbit hole. One article said one thing, another said something completely different, and then I found a forum where people were just making up all sorts of stories. It was messy.I tried to pick through many links and read.
I kept seeing conflicting *’s hard to know what to believe when every site seems to have its own “facts.”It’s like, can we get a straight answer, please?
Trying to Find Reliable Sources
I figured I needed to find some sources that I could at least somewhat trust. Sports news sites that at least have some reputation on the line. I focused on those, hoping they’d have done some actual fact-checking.

I noticed a few names and dates popping up in multiple places. I started to write those down. Like, okay, if three different sites are saying the same name, maybe there’s something to it. I became a temporary detective.
Piecing It Together (Or Trying To)
After all this searching and reading, I was still not 100% sure, but I felt like I had a somewhat better idea. I compiled all the data myself, and I think it’s 6.