Alright, alright, let’s gab about this young fella, Jayson Tatum, and who his sweetheart is these days. You know, the one who’s always dribbling that ball on TV. Folks keep askin’ about it, so let’s get to the bottom of it.

Who’s Jayson Tatum’s girl in 2023? Well, from what I hear tell, it’s this gal named Ella Mai.
Now, I ain’t never met neither of ‘em, but the youngsters seem to think they’re a cute couple. They say this Ella Mai, she’s a singer. Sings them songs on the radio, the kind the kids like to bop their heads to. Heard she’s got a real purdy voice. Good for her, I say. It’s nice to have a talent, somethin’ to keep you busy.
- Jayson Tatum and Ella Mai: A thing since when?
Folks been whisperin’ they started sparkin’ back in 2020. That’s a good long while, ain’t it? Seems like they get along alright. Didn’t really come out in public together ’til 2022, though. Guess they wanted to keep things private for a bit. Can’t blame ‘em for that. Some things are best kept to yourselves, you know?
I remember hearin’ they showed up at some weddin’ together. One of them basketball player fellas he used to play with, I reckon. That’s when folks really started buzzin’. Pictures and all. Youngsters these days, they take pictures of everything. Always got them phones in their hands.
Jayson Tatum the basketball star

Now, this Jayson fella, he’s somethin’ special on that basketball court. Seen him on TV a few times. Tall and lanky, runs like the wind. Throws that ball around like it ain’t nothin’. Folks say he’s real good, one of the best. Won a bunch of medals and such. Makes a good livin’ for himself, I bet. And that’s important, you know? Gotta be able to put food on the table.
He’s also got a couple of young’uns of his own. That’s right, a daddy twice over. Busy fella, I tell ya. Basketball, babies, and a girlfriend. That’s a lot to handle. Hope he’s gettin’ enough sleep.
- Is Ella Mai the real deal?
Seems like it to me. They been together a good spell now, and they seem happy enough. Leastways, that’s what they show on them picture-takin’ things. You never really know what goes on behind closed doors, though. But I wish ‘em well. Hope they make each other happy. That’s all that matters in the end, ain’t it?
This whole thing reminds me of when my grandpappy used to court my granny. Different times, of course. No basketball stars back then. Just farmers and such. But love is love, no matter what you do for a livin’. And it’s always nice to see young folks findin’ their way in the world.
More on Jayson Tatum

Heard tell he works real hard at that basketball. Practices all the time. Gotta be dedicated to be good at somethin’ like that. It ain’t just about throwin’ a ball, you know. It’s about teamwork and strategy and all them fancy things. He’s got a whole team dependin’ on him. That’s a lot of pressure, I reckon.
And this Ella Mai girl, she’s got her own career, too. Singin’ them songs and travelin’ all over, I imagine. So they’re both busy folks. Gotta make time for each other, that’s the key. Otherwise, things can fall apart pretty quick. Seen it happen before. Hope they figure out how to balance it all. It ain’t easy, that’s for sure.
So, there you have it. Jayson Tatum’s girlfriend in 2023 is this Ella Mai singer. They seem to be doin’ alright. Happy as clams, as they say. Wish ‘em all the best, I do. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on my biscuits. Don’t want ‘em burnin’.
Final thoughts
Relationships are tricky things. Whether you’re a basketball star or a farmer, it takes work to make things last. But if you care about each other and you’re willin’ to put in the effort, you can make it work. That’s the truth of it. And that’s all I got to say about that.

Now, go on and spread the word. Tell them nosey neighbors who Jayson Tatum’s been keepin’ company with. It’s Ella Mai, plain and simple. And don’t forget to tell ‘em I said so.