Alright, so I decided to dive into playing Kindred ADC today. I’ve always liked Kindred’s concept, but I’ve mostly stuck to jungling with them. Figured it was time to shake things up a bit.

First things first, I hopped into a normal game. No way I was taking a brand new role straight into ranked. Gotta practice first! I locked in Kindred, and my support ended up picking a Lux. Seemed like a decent combo, with plenty of poke and catch potential.
Early game was, uh, interesting. I’m so used to roaming around the jungle, taking camps, and ganking. Staying in lane felt weird. I definitely missed some CS early on, focusing too much on trying to harass the enemy bot lane. My Lux was pretty good though, landing some clutch binds that let me get a few early kills. We snowballed pretty hard.
I found that positioning was WAY more important as ADC Kindred. In the jungle, you can kind of get away with being a little out of place. But in lane, one wrong step and you’re dead. I learned that the hard way a couple of times, getting hooked by a Blitzcrank and blown up instantly.
Mid-game was where things got fun. I had a few items, and my damage was really starting to ramp up. I was using my Q to dodge skill shots and kite enemies, and the W passive helped me stay healthy in lane. I could all in and kill them at one point! We started roaming around the map, taking objectives and getting even more kills.
- Focus on farming early. Don’t get too caught up in trying to fight.
- Use your Q to reposition and dodge skill shots.
- Be mindful of your positioning. You’re squishy!
- Communicate with your support. Let them know when you want to engage.
By late game, I was a monster. I could melt anyone who got close, and my mobility made me hard to catch. We ended up winning the game pretty convincingly.

My final thoughts?
Playing Kindred ADC is surprisingly viable. It’s definitely different from playing them in the jungle, but it’s a lot of fun. You have to be more careful with your positioning, but the payoff is worth it. You become a hyper-mobile, high-damage carry who can shred through enemy teams. I think I’ll be playing more Kindred ADC in the future. I will try to increase my CS next time!