You wanna know about Lola Vice boyfriend, huh? That girl, she’s somethin’ else. Always in the news, that one. I seen her on the TV, wrestlin’ and carryin’ on. She’s a strong one, I tell ya. Strong like bull. But who’s she got hangin’ around her arm? That’s what everybody wanna know.

Well, I heard some things. People talk, you know. They say she’s got a fella. Maybe. Maybe not. Hard to say with these young folks today. One day they’re together, next day they’re fightin’ like cats and dogs. Just like that Lola Vice and that other girl, what’s her name? Elektra somethin’. They were friends, now they ain’t.
This Lola Vice, she says she don’t care. Says they was always gonna break up anyway. Like bread, you know? Got an expiration date. That’s what she said, expiration date on their friendship! Can you believe that? Kids these days. No respect.
But this boyfriend, or husband, or whatever he is… People wonder. Is he real? Is he made up? Is he just another wrestler? She’s always fightin’ in that NXT thing. Maybe he’s in there too. I don’t know, I don’t watch it that much. Too much yellin’ for me. I hear things from other people about Lola Vice boyfriend.
She’s got a show, too. A reality show, they call it. Like those Kardashians. Always showin’ their business to the whole world. Maybe this fella will be on there. Or maybe not. Maybe he’s shy. Maybe she don’t want him on there, gettin’ all the attention. This Lola Vice, she likes the attention, I can tell ya that much. So the thing about Lola Vice boyfriend is hot now.
I heard she got a message from some fella. On that Twitter thing. Everyone’s always on that Twitter. Tweet, tweet, tweet. Like a bunch of birds. He sent her a message. What did it say? Nobody knows. They keep that stuff secret. Like a hidden pie recipe. Secret about Lola Vice boyfriend.

- She’s a wrestler.
- She’s on TV.
- She’s got a reality show.
- She fights with her friends.
- She got a message on Twitter.
So, Lola Vice boyfriend. Is he real? Is he a wrestler? Is he just some guy? Hard to say. These young people, they like to keep you guessin’. They like the drama. The thing about Lola Vice boyfriend is hot.
Maybe he’s a good fella. Maybe he treats her right. Maybe he brings her flowers. Or maybe he’s just another one of them wrestlers, all muscles and no brains. Who knows. You have to be careful about Lola Vice boyfriend.
But this Lola Vice, she’s a tough one. She can handle herself. She don’t need no man to fight her battles. She can do it herself. She proved it with that Elektra girl. Just threw her away like yesterday’s trash.
So, if you’re lookin’ for Lola Vice boyfriend, you might be lookin’ for a while. She ain’t gonna tell ya. Not unless she wants to. And even then, you might not believe her. She is good at hiding the thing about Lola Vice boyfriend.
These young people, they’re a mystery. Always changin’. Always movin’. Hard to keep up. One minute they’re in love, next minute they’re throwin’ punches. Just like that Lola Vice.
She’s a firecracker, that one. Always somethin’ happenin’. Always somethin’ to talk about. And this Lola Vice boyfriend? Well, that’s just another piece of the puzzle. Another thing to keep you guessin’. Another thing to keep you watchin’. She is good at hiding the thing about Lola Vice boyfriend.
I tell you what, you keep your eyes open, and you might find out who Lola Vice boyfriend is. Then again, you might not. I guess you just have to wait and see. You know what I mean. That girl is really somethin’. Always have some news. Anyway, I hope you can know somethin’ about Lola Vice boyfriend. Maybe next time I can tell you more about it.