Alright, let’s talk about this… uh… “Millville Meteor.” Sounds fancy, don’t it? Like somethin’ outta the sky. But it’s just a fella, see? A baseball fella, from a place called Millville.

Now, Millville, that’s a town, I reckon. They make glass there, or so I hear. Been doin’ it for ages, since way back when my grandpappy was just a sprout. This fella, this “Meteor,” he growed up there. Went to school there, played ball there, the whole shebang.
His name, they say it’s Mike Trout. Michael Nelson Trout, to be exact. Sounds like a good, solid name, not like some of them fancy names you hear nowadays. His daddy, Jeff, was a big deal in that town too. A “legend,” they call him. Guess the apple don’t fall far from the tree, huh?
This Mike fella, he was good at baseball, real good. Even when he was just a young’un, goin’ to that Millville High School, he was somethin’ special. Folks saw it, they knew he was gonna be a star. And he was, or so they tell me. Became one of the best in the game, they say. One of the very best.
- Played in high school, that Millville High.
- His daddy was a big shot in town too.
- Folks knew he was gonna be somethin’ special.
Now, about that “Millville Meteor” name… I ain’t never heard nobody call him that, not in real life, anyway. Sounds like somethin’ them city folk made up, you know? Them sportswriters, with their fancy words. “And then the Millville Meteor laced a three-bagger…” What in tarnation is a “three-bagger” anyway? Sounds like somethin’ you’d use to haul potatoes.
But I guess it stuck, this “Meteor” thing. People like nicknames, makes things sound more excitin’, I suppose. He’s from Millville, and he was fast, like a meteor shootin’ across the sky. That’s the story, or so I’ve pieced together from what folks are sayin’. They say he overcome all sorts of things, had challenges, but he made it anyway. Worked hard, I reckon. That’s what it takes, ain’t it? Hard work and a bit of luck.

So, there you have it. The Millville Meteor, Mike Trout. A baseball fella from a glass-makin’ town. A good player, they say. One of the best. And that’s all there is to it, as far as I can tell. Nothin’ too fancy, just a fella doin’ what he’s good at. Reminds me of my cousin Jeb, he could sure throw a horseshoe. Maybe they shoulda called him the “Hickory Hollow Hurricane,” but nobody ever did. Times are different now, I guess.
This Mike Trout guy, sounds like he made somethin’ of himself. Comin’ from a small town and makin’ it big, that’s somethin’ to be proud of, no matter what fancy nickname they give ya. He played ball, and he played it well. And that’s the long and short of it, as they say. Nothin’ more to it than that.
He started playing young, went to school, and then just kept at it, I figure. Like learnin’ to churn butter, you just keep at it till you get it right. And this fella, he sure got it right, from what I hear. Made a name for himself, and for that little town of Millville too. Put it on the map, so to speak. Not that I ever been there, mind you. But I hear it’s nice, lots of glass, they say.
So that’s the story, as best as I can tell it. The Millville Meteor. A baseball player. A good one, at that. And that’s all she wrote.
Tags: [Mike Trout, Millville, Baseball, New Jersey, Sports, Athlete, Legend, High School, Career]