Alright, let’s get this straight, I’m gonna tell ya ’bout these Pacquiao and Marquez fights, you know, the ones everyone was yappin’ about. Don’t expect no fancy words from me, I’m just gonna tell it like it is, the way I saw it.

First Fight, Back in ’04
Okay, so these two fellas, Pacquiao and Marquez, they first banged heads way back in 2004. Man, that was a long time ago, I tell ya. Folks were sayin’ Pacquiao was gonna knock Marquez out cold. He was fast, like a chicken chasin’ a bug, all over the place. But Marquez, he was tough as an old boot, wouldn’t go down easy. Pacquiao, he knocked Marquez down in the first round, boom, right on his butt! Everyone thought it was over then, but nope, Marquez, he gets back up, stubborn as a mule. They went at it, punch after punch, for the whole twelve rounds. In the end, they said Pacquiao won, but it was real close, a split decision they called it. Some folks were happy, some were mad. Me? I thought Marquez got robbed, he landed more punches, you know, the clean ones. But what do I know, I’m just an old woman.
Second Fight, Four Years Later
Then, four years later, in 2008, they did it again. This time, everyone was even more excited. Pacquiao, he’d gotten even stronger, like a bull in a china shop. Marquez, he was still crafty, sly like a fox. This fight, it was another barn burner, they went at it, toe to toe. Pacquiao knocked Marquez down again, but just like before, Marquez got up and kept fightin’. This time, it went the distance again, all twelve rounds. And guess what? Another close one. Pacquiao won again, but again, it was a split decision. People were arguin’ left and right, saying Marquez got cheated again. I tell ya, these judges, sometimes they don’t see what’s right in front of their faces.
Third Fight, Another Nail-Biter in 2011

- Now, these two fellas, they just couldn’t get enough of each other, you know?
- They fought again in 2011, this time for some belt, the WBO Welterweight thingamajig.
- This fight, it was just as close as the other two. Punches flyin’, guys gettin’ beat up, the whole shebang.
Pacquiao, he was the favorite again, everyone thought he was gonna win easy. But Marquez, he wasn’t havin’ none of that. He gave Pacquiao a real tough time, landed some good punches. This time though, Pacquiao, he won by a majority decision. That means most of the judges thought he won, but it was still close. Some folks, they were sayin’ maybe Marquez won that one too. I don’t know, I was startin’ to get tired of these close fights. Can’t someone just win fair and square?
Fourth Fight, Finally a Knockout!
Then, in 2012, they decided to do it one more time. I guess they wanted to settle the score once and for all. And boy, did they ever! This fight, it was different. Pacquiao, he was still fast and strong, but Marquez, he looked different, stronger, more determined. They went at it, back and forth, just like always. Then, boom! In the sixth round, Marquez, he catches Pacquiao with a right hand, a real haymaker, and Pacquiao, he goes down! Hard! He didn’t get up. It was a knockout! Finally, a clear winner. Marquez, he won, and he won big.
Everyone was shocked, I tell ya, shocked! Nobody thought Pacquiao would get knocked out like that. But that’s boxing for ya, anything can happen. One punch can change everything. Marquez, he finally got his win, and he deserved it. He showed everyone that he was a true champion.
So, that’s the story of Pacquiao and Marquez, four fights, lots of drama, and in the end, Marquez came out on top. It was a wild ride, and I’m glad I got to see it, even if I didn’t always agree with the judges. They fought their hearts out, those two, and that’s all you can ask for, I reckon. It was like watching roosters in a cock fight, but way more intense. And let me tell you, those boys earned every penny they got, they sure did beat each other up real good.