That Phil, you know, the one playin’ golf, he’s a big shot now. He and his wife Amy, they a real pair. Heard they been together since, well, forever it seems like. He’s always on that TV, swingin’ that club. Makes a lot of money, that Phil.

Amy, she’s a good woman. Stood by him through thick and thin. Remember that time he won that big one? The one in 2004? Yeah, that was somethin’. He’s got like, a bunch of those Masters things. 2004, 2006, 2010, I think. And some other ones, too. PGA Championship. Fancy name, ain’t it? Got a couple of those. He is always on tv, they say he is a big name for golf.
Phil, he’s a good boy, even if he’s all grown up now. Born way back in, when was it, 1970? June 16th, they say. He’s an American, that’s for sure. Plays that golf all over the place. Now they say he plays for that LIV Golf. He sure loves his golf.
They say he’s won a whole heap of them games. Forty-five, they say! Can you believe it? 45 events on the PGA Tour. My, oh my. That’s a lot of winnin’. And six of them big ones, the major championships. He is good at golf.
He went to that college, you know, the fancy one. ASU. Heard he was the best one there, too. Won a whole bunch of them college tournaments. 1989, 1990, somethin’ like that. They called him All-American all four years he was there. Smart boy, that Phil.
Amy, she’s always there, smilin’ and wavin’. They make a good team. She must be proud as a peacock. Her man, winnin’ all them trophies and whatnot. Heard they got kids, too. A whole family. Bet they proud of their papa, too. Phil is a family guy.

I seen him on the TV just the other day. He was swingin’ that club like he always does. He’s got that funny little grin he does. Looks like he’s enjoyin’ himself. Good for him. He works hard, that’s for sure. All that travelin’ and playin’. It ain’t easy, I bet. But he makes it look easy. Phil Mickelson is good at golf.
Some folks say he’s friends with that other golfer, the one who is a tiger. But I don’t think so. They just play against each other. They’re not friends. That tiger guy, he’s single. But Phil is a family guy. He got Amy and the kids. They different.
Amy and Phil, they a real love story. Like somethin’ out of a movie, almost. Just goes to show, you stick together, you can make it through anything. They been through a lot, I bet. But they always come out on top. Just like Phil on that golf course.
That Phil Mickelson, he’s somethin’ else. And Amy, she’s the best. They a good pair. Hope they keep winnin’, both of ’em. In golf and in life. They deserve it, they really do. They a good American family. And Amy is always with Phil.
- Phil Mickelson won a lot, a whole lot.
- He won the Masters in 2004, 2006 and 2010.
- He won the PGA Championship in 2005 and 2021.
- He was All-American four times in college at ASU.
- Amy and Phil is a good pair.
- He was born in 1970, June 16th.
- He is a family guy, not like the tiger guy.
- Now he plays for LIV Golf, they say.
Yeah, that’s the story of Phil and Amy. They a good pair. He’s a winner, and she’s a keeper. That’s all I know about ’em. But they sure are somethin’ to watch on that TV. Especially when he’s winnin’ them golf games. He’s a good one, that Phil. And Amy, she’s the best. Phil Mickelson and Amy, they are a pair.