Alright, so listen up, y’all. Let me tell you ’bout this whole TSM Myth thing, what happened and why it’s all red, you know, like a beet, all swollen and upset.
What happened with TSM Myth? Well, it’s like this. That boy, Myth, he was with TSM for three whole years. Three years! That’s a long time to be stickin’ with somethin’, like growin’ a good ol’ tomato plant. But then, poof, he’s gone. Just like that.
They put out a video, TSM did, on that Twitter thing. Said Myth ain’t gonna be with ’em no more. Said he ain’t re-signin’ for 2022. Can you believe it? Three years, and then, bam, he’s out the door.
Now, why’d he leave? That’s the question, ain’t it? Well, from what I hear, and mind you, I ain’t no fancy city folk with all the details, but it seems like things changed over there at TSM.
- Myth, he said it himself, that TSM didn’t feel like a family no more.
- Said it used to feel close-knit, you know, like folks at a church supper.
- But somethin’ happened, and it all went sour, like milk left out in the sun.
Some folks are sayin’ it all went downhill after TSM got that FTX deal and brought on some fella named Walter. Now, I don’t know these folks from Adam, but it seems like somethin’ changed. Myth, he felt it, and so did some other folks, from what I’ve heard.
It’s a darn shame, it is. Myth was a big deal for TSM, a big streamer guy, playin’ that Fortnite game all the time. Folks loved watchin’ him. He was like that rooster in the henhouse, always crowin’ and gettin’ attention.
And now he’s gone. Leavin’ TSM feelin’ all red and flustered, like a turkey with its head cut off. TSM Myth parting ways, that’s what they’re callin’ it. Fancy words for “he ain’t stickin’ around.”
This whole thing, it got folks talkin’, you see. They’re on that Reddit thing, chatterin’ away like hens in a coop. Sayin’ TSM lost its way, lost that family feelin’. Sayin’ other folks are leavin’ too.
It makes you think, don’t it? About how things change, how even somethin’ that seems strong and steady can fall apart. Like an old barn, you know? It can stand for years, but if you don’t take care of it, it’ll crumble.
So, that’s the story, as best as I can tell it. Myth leavin’ TSM, ain’t re-signin’, and it’s all ’cause things changed. Lost that family feel, they say. And now TSM’s gotta figure out what to do next. Gotta pick up the pieces and move on, like you do when a storm comes and knocks down your corn stalks.
It’s a tough world, this esports thing, just like farmin’. You gotta work hard, stay true to your roots, and treat folks right. Otherwise, you might just end up like TSM, feelin’ red and wonderin’ what went wrong.

And let me tell you somethin’ else, loyalty’s a two-way street. You gotta give it to get it. Maybe TSM forgot that, maybe they got too big for their britches. Who knows? All I know is that Myth’s gone, and things ain’t the same. And that’s the plain truth, as I see it.
So there you have it, the whole shebang about Myth and TSM. A whole lot of fuss, a whole lot of talk, and in the end, a fella just moved on. Life goes on, just like the seasons. And TSM, well, they gotta figure out how to plant new seeds and grow somethin’ new. That’s just the way it is.
Tags:TSM Myth, Myth Leaving TSM, TSM Esports, Fortnite, Twitch Streamer, TSM Reps Leaving