Alright, listen up, y’all. We gonna talk about this here basketball game, the Rockets and the Hawks, you know, like them birds. I don’t know much about these city folk games, but I heard some things, and I’ll tell ya what I think, simple and plain.

So, first off, these Rockets, they been playin’ real good at home, like, winnin’ and winnin’. Eleven games in a row, they say. That’s a whole lotta winnin’, even more than the eggs I get from my chickens on a good week! Must be somethin’ in the water there, or maybe they just got some good luck charms, like that rabbit’s foot my grandpappy used to carry. Rockets home winning streak, that’s what they call it. Sounds fancy, but it just means they win a lot at their place.
Now, these Hawks, they ain’t doin’ so hot. They win some, they lose some, kinda like my garden – sometimes the tomatoes grow big and red, sometimes them darn squirrels eat ‘em all up. But they did beat the Rockets once already this season, so they ain’t no pushovers, I reckon. They got some fight in ‘em, like a cornered raccoon.
The game’s gonna be on Wednesday night, they tell me. Eight o’clock. That’s past my bedtime, but maybe I’ll stay up and listen on the radio, if I can figure out how that thing works. It’s got too many buttons, if you ask me.
- Rockets: Playin’ good at home, lots of wins.
- Hawks: Up and down, but they beat the Rockets before.
- Game Time: Wednesday night, eight o’clock. Too late for this old lady, but you youngsters can watch.
Now, they talk about these “odds” and “spreads.” Sounds like somethin’ you’d do with fertilizer on the farm, but they say it’s about who’s gonna win and by how much. They say the Rockets are supposed to win by three points or somethin’. That seems awful close to me. Like tryin’ to guess how many beans are in a jar – you might be close, but you ain’t ever exactly right.
They got these fellas, “experts” they call ’em, makin’ predictions. Well, I ain’t no expert, but I got a feelin’ the Rockets gonna win. They playin’ at home, and they got that winnin’ streak goin’. It’s like when you get a good batch of biscuits goin’, you just keep on bakin’ ’em ’til the flour runs out. Rockets to cover the spread, that’s what they sayin’. That means they gonna win by more than three points, I think.

But the Hawks, they ain’t gonna make it easy. They gonna be scrappy, like a dog fightin’ for a bone. They might even surprise folks and win, you never know. That’s why they play the game, ain’t it? You can talk and talk, but till them boys start runnin’ and jumpin’, nobody really knows nothin’.
This here “back-to-back” thing, they talk about that too. Sounds like when I gotta go to town two days in a row, and it wears me out somethin’ fierce. They say it makes the Hawks tired, maybe. Well, that makes sense. Even a young whippersnapper can get tired if he’s runnin’ around too much. If them Hawks are tired, then the Rockets got an even better chance, that’s what I figure.
So, there you have it. My two cents on this here basketball game. Rockets at home, winnin’ a lot. Hawks, kinda up and down. Experts say Rockets gonna win, and I reckon they might be right. But it ain’t over ’til it’s over, like they say. Just like waitin’ for the crops to come in, you gotta be patient and see what happens.
Final prediction, if you want my opinion, which you probably don’t, but I’m gonna give it to ya anyway: Rockets gonna win this one. They got the home court advantage, the winnin’ streak, and them Hawks might just be too tired. But, hey, don’t bet your farm on it. I’ve been wrong before, just ask my husband about that time I tried to fix the tractor…
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go feed the chickens. They ain’t gonna wait for no basketball game.

Tags: [Houston Rockets, Atlanta Hawks, NBA Predictions, NBA Betting, NBA Odds, Basketball Preview]