Alright, let’s talk about them baseball umpires and how much money they make. You know, the fellas in blue who yell “strike” and “ball” all day long. Don’t really know much ‘bout baseball myself, but I heard folks talkin’ ‘bout how much these fellas get paid.

So, how much do these MLB umpires make? Well, it ain’t no small potatoes, that’s for sure. From what I hear, they make a pretty penny. It seems like the average umpire fella makes somethin’ like 235,000 dollars a year. That’s a whole lotta money! I reckon that’s more than most folks around here see in a lifetime.
Now, not all umpires make the same. Just like anything else, the more experience you got, the more you get paid. A newbie umpire, just startin’ out, might only make around 150,000 dollars. That’s still a good chunk of change, mind you. But the fellas who been doin’ it for years, the ones who know the game inside and out, they can make a whole lot more. Some of them experienced fellas can rake in as much as 450,000 dollars, or maybe even more, every year! Can you imagine?
- New umpires: around $150,000 per year
- Average umpires: around $235,000 per year
- Experienced umpires: up to $450,000 or more per year
And it ain’t just the money, ya know. These umpires, they get some other stuff too. They get health insurance, so they don’t gotta worry too much if they get sick. They get a retirement plan, so they can take it easy when they get too old to be runnin’ around on the baseball field. And they get their travel expenses paid for, ‘cause they gotta go all over the country for the games. That’s what I heard from my grandson, he knows all this stuff. He always readin’ somethin’ on that there computer of his.
Now, I also heard some talk about these robot umpires. Can you believe it? Robots callin’ balls and strikes! Sounds mighty strange to me. They sayin’ they might start usin’ ‘em in the big leagues pretty soon. Don’t rightly know how that’s gonna work, or what it means for the human umpires. Maybe they’ll still need some folks out there to keep an eye on things, make sure the robots don’t go haywire or somethin’. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
But one thing’s for sure, bein’ an MLB umpire is a pretty good gig if you can get it. Good pay, good benefits, and you get to be part of America’s favorite pastime, or so they say. Even if you gotta put up with a whole lotta yellin’ from the fans and the players. And let me tell you, them players, they can be a real handful sometimes. Always arguin’ and complainin’. But I guess that’s just part of the game.

Anyways, that’s what I know ‘bout how much them MLB umpires get paid. It’s a whole lot of money, that’s for sure. More money than I ever seen in my life, that’s for darn sure. Makes you wonder if they ever miss a call on purpose. Not that I’m sayin’ they do, mind you. Just sayin’ that much money could make a fella think twice about things. But hey, that’s just my two cents. I’m just an old woman who don’t know much about baseball, or nothin’ much else for that matter. But I sure can tell you when somethin’ smells fishy. And all that money for callin’ balls and strikes… Well, it smells a little fishy to me.
Of course, the minor league umpires don’t make nearly as much. Some of them fellas just starting out barely make two thousand dollars a month! And even the Triple-A umpires, they only get around $3500 a month. That’s a big difference from the big league fellas, let me tell you. It’s a tough road to hoe to get up to the majors. You gotta work your way up, just like anything else.
But the big leagues, well, that’s a whole other story. Big money, big crowds, big pressure. It ain’t for the faint of heart, that’s for sure. But if you can handle it, you can make a real good living for yourself, and have a comfortable life. And that’s more than most folks can say these days.
So there you have it. Everything I know about MLB umpire pay, all jumbled together like a ball of yarn. Hope it makes some sense to ya.
Tags: [MLB, Umpire, Salary, Pay, Baseball, Major League Baseball, Earnings, Benefits, Minor League]