Okay, here’s my attempt at a blog post, following your guidelines.

Alright, so I wanted to get all the loot from the “Vow of the Disciple” raid, right? I’m a bit of a completionist, and also, some of that gear is just chef’s kiss. So I figured, I needed a good way to track what I was missing, which drops where, y’know? So I’m going through it all, piece by piece, encounter by encounter.
Getting Started
First, I hopped online to see if anyone already made a super simple chart. No luck. Plenty of super detailed spreadsheets and fancy interactive tables, but nothing I could just glance at. So, I’m making my own, basic as hell.
Acquisition- First Encounter
I start by figuring out the acquisition part. I jumped into the raid, I paid attention to what dropped for me and my fireteam. Not too hard, just playing the game. I made a note of what everyone gets:
- Chest Armor
- Gauntlets(Arms)
- Class Item
- Shotgun
- Fusion Rifle
- Submachine Gun
The Caretaker – Second Encounter
Beat the crap out of the Caretaker. More loot! This encounter gave me:
- Gauntlets(Arms)
- Leg Armor
- Class item
- Pulse Rifle
- Fusion Rifle
- Linear Fusion Rifle
Exhibition – Third Encounter
More runing, jumping and shooting, and a lot of dying. I started to see a pattern here. The loot is from:

- Helmet
- Chest Armor
- Class Item
- Submachine Gun
- Grenade Launcher
- Glaive
Rhulk, Disciple of the Witness- Final Encounter
Big boss fight, very tough. But that sweet, sweet loot, though! Here’s what dropped:
- Helmet
- Leg Armor
- Pulse Rifle
- Sniper Rifle
- Glaive
- Linear Fusion Rifle
And of course, there is a chance the exotic weapon will drop as well. Still working on getting that one…
Putting It All Together
Now I’ve got my basic list. It’s not pretty, but it’s functional. I can run the raid and have a simple reference to see if I get something that I want or need. I’m pretty happy with how it is coming together, it helps me track my progress and know what I need to go after. If anyone figures out a cleaner way to do this, do share!