Well, lemme tell ya, that Vince McMahon, he’s a tough one. He ain’t in charge of the writin’ for the wrasslin’ no more. That creative stuff, you know? He done left that. It was a while back, I reckon. He used to be the big cheese, the head honcho, you know, the one callin’ all the shots, but not anymore.

That Vince, he built that whole dang wrasslin’ thing up, bigger than a barn, I tell ya. From back in the day, the 60s or somethin’. But he ain’t writin’ the shows now. See, he had to step down. Yeah, back in 2022, that’s when it was. Stepped down from bein’ the CEO. Big boss, you know? They said he was payin’ off some women. Some serious accusations flyin’ around and now he just not in charge of the creative anymore. You know the creative, the shows, the storylines, the whole shebang! He’s out.
Then, that Triple H fella, he took over. Big fella, used to wrassle himself. Now he’s the one writin’ the shows. They call him the Chief Creative Officer. Sounds fancy, huh? But that just means he’s the big boss of the writin’ now, not Vince.
Vince McMahon ain’t pullin’ the strings on that no more. Some folks were sayin’ he was still messin’ with it, behind the scenes, you know? But then they said he really was gone. For good. Like, really gone.
So, in January 2024, yeah, this year, there was more news, I reckon. Some big paper, Wall Street somethin’. They said some more bad stuff about Vince. And after that, he up and quit that TKO thing too. Seems like he’s just tryin’ to get away from it all, maybe. But one thing’s for sure: Vince McMahon ain’t writin’ them wrasslin’ shows no more.

First, he stepped down in 2022.
Then, that Triple H took over the writin’.
Then there was a whole bunch of hubbub.
Then, he quit for real, early 2024. I think that’s right.
Now he ain’t got nothin’ to do with the creative, the storylines for the weekly shows, all that stuff. He’s out of the picture.
It’s a whole different ball game now. That Vince McMahon, he was the main man for so long. Years and years. He made it what it is, I guess. But times change, I reckon. People come and go. Even big shots like Vince. And the creative changed with him.
It’s kinda like bakin’ a pie. Vince, he had his recipe. He knew how he liked his pie. Now, Triple H, he’s got his own recipe. Might be a little different. Might be better, might be worse. Who knows? But it ain’t the same pie, that’s for sure. It’s not Vince’s creative no more.
I heard some folks talkin’, sayin’ it was hard to write for them wrasslers. Lots of rules and such. Had to do this, had to do that. Sounds like a headache to me. But I guess that’s how it is when you got a big show like that. Gotta keep things runnin’ smooth, I reckon. Even if the creative ain’t run by Vince McMahon anymore, there are still rules.

So, to answer your question, when did Vince McMahon leave creative? Well, he really left that creative stuff behind in 2022, I reckon. But then he was still around, kinda. But then, in early 2024, he really, really left. So, it’s been a while now that he ain’t been in charge of the writin’. He’s gone from the whole thing now.
He’s like a farmer who sold his farm. He might still live nearby. He might still give advice now and then. But he ain’t the one plantin’ the seeds no more. He ain’t the one harvestin’ the crops. He ain’t in charge of that creative farm no more. It’s someone else’s field to plow now. And that field is the wrasslin’ show, and that someone else is Triple H, not Vince McMahon. It ain’t his creative no more.

Well, I hope that clears things up for ya. It’s a bit of a mess, I know. But that’s life, ain’t it? Always somethin’ goin’ on. Always changin’. And Vince McMahon not being in charge of creative is a big change in the wrasslin’ world. Huge!