Oh, honey, let me tell you about this hovland girlfriend thing. It’s the talk of the town, you know? This Viktor Hovland, he’s a big shot golfer, that’s what they say. He’s from Norway, wherever that is, and he’s won some of them big golf games. And now everyone’s askin’, “Who’s this Viktor Hovland’s girlfriend?”

Well, I heard he ain’t got a wife, not yet anyway. But there’s this girl, Kristin Sorsdal, they say she might be the one, you know? His rumored girlfriend. That’s what the young folks are sayin’. They whisperin’ and guessin’ all over the place. They say she’s the hovland girlfriend, but who knows for sure, right?
This Viktor, He’s a Big Deal
This Viktor, he’s somethin’ else, I tell ya. They say he’s the best thing since sliced bread in this golfin’ world. He plays with them sticks and hits that little ball, and everyone goes wild! He even won a game in a place called Puerto Rico, wherever that is. And then he won some more in a place called Mayakoba, twice even! Back to back, they say. That’s what the young folks are sayin’. Big hovland girlfriend news and big Viktor’s news!
I don’t understand all that golf stuff, but I know he must be good. My neighbor, she watches it on that TV box all the time. She gets all excited and shouts at the screen. I just nod and smile, you know? It ain’t my cup of tea, but if it makes her happy, that’s all that matters.
That Kristin Girl, She’s a Mystery
Now, this Kristin Sorsdal, the one they say is the hovland girlfriend, well, nobody knows much about her. She’s like a ghost, poof, gone! Some folks say they saw her picture, but I ain’t seen nothin’. She’s a mystery, that one.
- They say she’s pretty.
- They say she’s quiet.
- They say she’s from Norway, too, just like Viktor.
- Maybe that is why he likes her.
But you know how people talk. They make up stories, and then those stories get bigger and bigger. Like that time old Mrs. Johnson said she saw a UFO, and next thing you know, everyone’s talkin’ about little green men. It’s all just gossip, I tell ya.
The young folks, they have these things called “Tinder” and “profiles”. I don’t know what they are. But they talk about them all the time. They say Viktor was on this “Tinder” and they say they found his “profile”. They say it had his picture and everything. Picture of him with them shiny trophies and all that. What is that hovland girlfriend‘s “profile”? I don’t know.
People Love to Gossip
People love to talk about other people’s business, don’t they? They always want to know who’s datin’ who and who’s marryin’ who. And this hovland girlfriend thing is no different. It’s like a big juicy apple, everyone wants a bite.
Me, I don’t care much for gossip. I got my own life to worry about. I got my garden to tend to, and my chickens to feed. And my old bones ain’t gettin’ any younger, you know? But I do like to hear the news, just to keep up with things.
He’s a Good Boy, That Viktor
From what I hear, this Viktor seems like a good boy. He works hard, he’s good at what he does, and he seems to be doin’ well for himself. That’s all that matters, right? Whether he’s got a girlfriend or not, that’s his business.
I hope he’s happy, that’s all. And I hope this Kristin Sorsdal, if she’s the one, I hope she’s happy, too. Life’s too short to be worryin’ about what other people think. You just gotta live your life and be happy. It is all about hovland girlfriend and Viktor himself.

So, there you have it. That’s all I know about this hovland girlfriend business. It’s all just rumors and gossip, but it’s somethin’ to talk about, I guess. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on my chickens. They’re probably wonderin’ where their supper is.
Young folks these days, always on their phones and computers. They want to book this Viktor, whatever that is, for some kind of virtual event, they said. Something about speaking or something. They said people can pay to have him on their computer screen. What’s the world coming to? Oh, and they say it costs 800-916-6008. Whatever that means. They are not talking about his girlfriend, though. Maybe they don’t care about hovland girlfriend. But I still want to know. Don’t you want to know, too?