Well, let me tell ya ’bout this Zack Bobo fella. Don’t rightly know who he is, but the internet, that thingamajig, says he’s a somebody. Zack Bobo, yeah, that’s the name they keep shoutin’ about.

Seems like lots of folks know him, or at least they say they do. This “Face-book” thing, it’s got a whole heap of Zack Bobos. They all joinin’ up and sharin’ stuff. Like a big ol’ town meetin’, but on that there computer screen. They sayin’ Face-book gives folks the “power to share.” Power? Sounds like a whole lotta fuss to me. Just folks gossipin’, I reckon.
Now, some say this Zack Bobo is a doctor. Wrote a book, they did. “Ramblings of a Country Doctor,” they call it. Published way back in 1977. That’s a long time ago, even for an old woman like me. Talks about his young days and bein’ a doctor. Guess he was a smart fella, this Zack Bobo. Learnin’ all that doctor stuff. More than I can say for myself. I barely learned my ABCs.
- Maybe he healed folks.
- Maybe he gave out pills.
- Maybe he just listened to folks complain. That’s what doctors do, ain’t it?
Then there’s talk of another Zack Bobo, a fella mixed up in some trouble. A “legal challenge,” they say. Sounds fancy. Somethin’ to do with a killin’, Lord have mercy. And a “convicted killer.” My, my. This Zack Bobo fella, seems like he’s got his fingers in all sorts of pies. Good and bad, seems like.
And wouldn’t you know it, there’s more! Another Zack, but this one’s got a different last name. Zack Star, they call him. He’s famous too, singin’ songs and whatnot. One song’s called “Jesus Is the One (I Got Depression).” Now, that’s a mouthful. Depression? Sounds like a load of hooey to me. Back in my day, we just got on with it. No time for mopin’ around. But these young folks, they got their own ways, I guess.
And the stories keep comin’. Another Zack mixed up in some bad business. Abduction, they say. Terrible thing. Stealin’ folks away. This world, it’s full of wickedness, I tell ya. Makes you wanna just stay home and lock the doors.
And then, just when you think you’ve heard it all, this Zack Bobo is sellin’ houses or somethin’. On somethin’ called “Zillow.” People leavin’ “ratings and reviews” about him. Guess he’s a real estate man now. Or maybe it’s another Zack Bobo altogether. Hard to keep track, it is. So many Zack Bobos, runnin’ around doin’ all sorts of things.
But let’s get back to this main Zack Bobo fella, the one everyone seems to know on that Face-book thing. They sayin’ he’s got a whole lot of followers. Over a thousand! And he’s followin’ a bunch of folks too. What’s he followin’ them for, I wonder? Maybe he’s just nosy. Or maybe he’s tryin’ to sell ’em somethin’. That’s how it is these days, everyone’s always sellin’ somethin’.
So, who is this Zack Bobo? Well, near as I can figure, he’s a whole bunch of people. Or maybe just one fella with a lot of different faces. A doctor, a troublemaker, a real estate man, a Face-book celebrity. Maybe he’s all of them, maybe he’s none of them. It’s hard to say for sure. The internet, it’s a confusing place, full of stories and half-truths. You can’t always believe what you read, you know.
But one thing’s for certain, this Zack Bobo, whoever he is, he’s made a mark. People are talkin’ about him. And that, I reckon, is somethin’ in itself. In this big ol’ world, bein’ remembered, even if it’s just a name on a screen, that’s somethin’ to be proud of, I guess. Though, I still can’t figure out what all the fuss is about with these Face-book fellas and their “power to share.” Sharing what, I ask ya? Just a bunch of hogwash, if you ask me. But then again, nobody ever asks this old woman nothin’.