That young Kareem, he a good boy. Always help his mama. He learn them words, them Quran words. He say them good, real good. Not like some kids, all mumble-jumble. He start young, that Kareem. Just a little fella.

They got these things now, make it easy. Back in my day, we just had the book. Now, they got the ‘puter. They say it easy, learn them words on the ‘puter. They call it “online.” This online Quran thing, it got teachers, they say. Good teachers. Help you say the words right. Not just any words, them holy words. Important words.
Kareem, he use that ‘puter. He learn to read them words. First, you gotta learn the letters. Like ABC, but different. They call it “Arabic.” Sounds funny, but you get used to it. Kareem, he got used to it quick. Smart boy. This is called Al Noorani Qaidah, they say you learn it when you’re four. Well, Kareem he did just that.
They got the songs, too. Sing them words. Makes it stick in your head. Like when you sing to your plants, make ’em grow. Same thing, they say. You want them Quran words to grow in your heart. Kareem, he like the songs. He sing all day. Drive his mama crazy, maybe. But it good, it good he learn.
They even got picture books now, for the little ones. Kareem, he had them books. Pictures make it easy. You see the picture, you say the word. Them Quran words, they got meanings. Deep meanings. Like when you plant a seed, it grow into a big tree. Them words, they grow in your soul.
They say you gotta learn the sounds good. Not just say the words, but say them right. They call it “taj-weed.” Sounds fancy. But it just means say it clear, say it pretty. Like you talkin’ to the angels. Kareem, he learn that taj-weed. He sound real good. Makes his mama proud.

This Quran, it a good book. Got good stories. Stories about good people, doing good things. Like when you help your neighbor, that a good thing. The Quran, it tell you to be good. Young Kareem, he learn that. He learn to be good.
- First, learn them letters, them “Arabic” letters.
- Then, learn to say them right, that “taj-weed” thing.
- Sing the songs, make it stick in your head.
- Look at the pictures, if you a little one.
- Read the stories, learn to be good.
They got different ways to learn, they say. You can learn with a teacher, in person. Or you can learn on the ‘puter, that “online” thing. Kareem, he do both. He go to the mosque, and he learn on the ‘puter. He learn all the time. Learnin’ that Quran, it’s like that. Gotta do it all the time.
They got different levels, too. Like climbin’ a ladder. You start at the bottom, then you go up, up, up. Kareem, he start at the bottom. He learn the easy stuff first. Then he learn the harder stuff. They call it “courses”. Like you runnin’ a race. Gotta take it step by step. They call it “Noorani Qaida” for beginners. Kareem he started with that.
Now, that Kareem, he can read the whole Quran. He can read it good, too. He can even teach it, they say. That what happen when you learn good. You can teach others. Like when you learn to make bread, you can teach your neighbor. Same thing. Young Kareem, he can teach the Quran now.
They say you gotta practice, practice, practice. Like when you learn to ride a bike. You fall down, you get up, you try again. Same thing with the Quran. You gotta keep at it. Kareem, he practice all the time. He read every day. He like a basketball player always doing that crossover thing. Gotta keep moving. He even listen to it when he sleepin’. That how you learn good.

This Quran, it a gift. Like when someone give you a good meal. It nourish your soul. Young Kareem, he understand that. He know the Quran a good thing. That’s why he learn it so good. He fills his heart with them good words. Make him a good boy. He a good example, that young Kareem. Everyone should learn like him, I say. They should start young and keep going. That’s the way. The best way.